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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-05-20 18:59:09  浏览:9602   来源:法律资料网
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(黑龙江省人民政府令第24号 1989年10月23日)

  第一条 为加强技术合同管理,维护技术市场秩序,保障技术交易各方的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国技术合同法》、《中华人民共和国技术合同法实施条例》、《黑龙江省技术市场管理条例》和国家有关规定,结合本省实际情况,制定本规定。

  第二条 本规定适用于本省及本省与外省签订的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询和技术服务的合同。

  第三条 各级科学技术委员会应指定专门机构负责技术合同的认定、登记工作。

  第四条 各级工商行政管理机关负责技术合同的监督检查和无效技术合同的确认、违法技术合同的查处。

  第五条 省、行署、市科学技术委员会可根据工作需要,委托有关机构代办技术合同的认定、登记工作。

  第六条 代办技术合同登记机构应接受委托部门和所在地科学技术委员会的指导和监督,按时报送有关材料。各级科学技术委员会的技术合同登记机构和代办技术合同登记机构简称合同登记机构。

  第七条 技术交易各方应依法签订书面技术合同。

  第八条 订立下列技术合同应先经有关机关审核批准。

  第九条 在技术合同成立后的一个月内,当事人的技术出让方应到所在地合同登记机构办理技术合同认定、登记。省、行署直属部门所属单位签订的技术合同,分别到省、行署合同登记机构办理技术合同的认定、登记。当事人的技术受让方应到所在地合同登记机构办理备案。

  第十条 转让专利的技术合同,当事人还应向专利管理机构办理登记,许可他人实施专利的合同,由专利权人在合同生效三个月内向专利机关备案。

  第十一条 合同登记机构应当根据《中华人民共和国技术合同法实施条例》和《黑龙江省技术市场管理条例》等有关规定,对技术合同进行认定,分类登记。对包含部分非技术性交易的合同,应当就其属于技术合同部分进行登记。技术合同经认定、登记后,发给《技术合同登记证明》。

  第十二条 经当事人协商一致,需要变更或解除合同的,应达成书面协议,到原合同登记机构办理备案;属于有关机关批准的合同,其变更或者解除,应经原批准机关同意后,向原合同登记机构备案。

  第十三条 技术合同发生争议时,当事人可以通过协商解决,也可以请求有关部门和机构进行调解。当事人不愿协商、调解或协商、调解不成的,一方或双方可以依据合同中的仲裁条款向工商行政管理机关仲裁机构申请仲裁,或者直接向人民法院起诉。对于涉及专利权、专利申请权、专利实施权、非专利技术成果使用权和转让权以及技术成果完成者权利的争议,仲裁机构应当委托有关科学技术委员会或者专利管理机关作出结论后再行处理。

  第十四条 当事人一方或双方对仲裁不服的,可在收到裁决书之日起十五日内,请示上级或原仲裁机构复议一次。复议的仲裁决定是终局的,当事人一方在规定的期限内不履行仲裁决定的,另一方可以申请人民法院强制执行。

  第十五条 合同登记机构除收取工本费和手续费外,不准擅自收费。工本费、手续费标准,按省物价部门的规定执行。

  第十六条 凡经认定、登记的技术合同,凭合同登记机构出具的《技术合同登记证明》,按照国家和省有关规定享受科技贷款、减免税收、提取奖励费用等优惠待遇。未经认定、登记的技术合同不能享受上述优惠待遇。

  第十七条 经过认定、登记的技术合同实施后,技术出让方是单位的,可从该项目的净收入中提取20-25%的奖励费,用于奖励完成该项技术成果的人员。对社会效益较大的项目或向省内贫困地区和农业提供技术的,可适当提高奖励费比例。此项奖励费不计入单位奖金总额,不计征奖金税。

  第十八条 技术出让方应持项目完成验收证明、成本核算单和合同登记机构出具的《技术贸易奖励费用审批单》,到开户银行领取奖励费和酬金。

  第十九条 发放奖励费和酬金的单位,应依法代收个人收入调节税。

  第二十条 技术交易的中介服务可以收取中介服务费,中介服务费的数额,由当事人约定。

  第二十一条 对违反规定的,给予下列处罚:

  第二十二条 违反本规定构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

  第二十三条 本规定由黑龙江省科学技术委员会负责解释。

  第二十四条 本规定自一九八九年十二月一日起施行。

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                        总 理  李克强


第一章 总  则

  第一条 为了加强对城镇排水与污水处理的管理,保障城镇排水与污水处理设施安全运行,防治城镇水污染和内涝灾害,保障公民生命、财产安全和公共安全,保护环境,制定本条例。
  第二条 城镇排水与污水处理的规划,城镇排水与污水处理设施的建设、维护与保护,向城镇排水设施排水与污水处理,以及城镇内涝防治,适用本条例。
  第三条 县级以上人民政府应当加强对城镇排水与污水处理工作的领导,并将城镇排水与污水处理工作纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。
  第四条 城镇排水与污水处理应当遵循尊重自然、统筹规划、配套建设、保障安全、综合利用的原则。
  第五条 国务院住房城乡建设主管部门指导监督全国城镇排水与污水处理工作。
  第六条 国家鼓励采取特许经营、政府购买服务等多种形式,吸引社会资金参与投资、建设和运营城镇排水与污水处理设施。

第二章 规划与建设

  第七条 国务院住房城乡建设主管部门会同国务院有关部门,编制全国的城镇排水与污水处理规划,明确全国城镇排水与污水处理的中长期发展目标、发展战略、布局、任务以及保障措施等。
  第八条 城镇排水与污水处理规划的编制,应当依据国民经济和社会发展规划、城乡规划、土地利用总体规划、水污染防治规划和防洪规划,并与城镇开发建设、道路、绿地、水系等专项规划相衔接。
  第九条 城镇排水主管部门应当将编制的城镇排水与污水处理规划报本级人民政府批准后组织实施,并报上一级人民政府城镇排水主管部门备案。
  第十条 县级以上地方人民政府应当根据城镇排水与污水处理规划的要求,加大对城镇排水与污水处理设施建设和维护的投入。
  第十一条 城乡规划和城镇排水与污水处理规划确定的城镇排水与污水处理设施建设用地,不得擅自改变用途。
  第十二条 县级以上地方人民政府应当按照先规划后建设的原则,依据城镇排水与污水处理规划,合理确定城镇排水与污水处理设施建设标准,统筹安排管网、泵站、污水处理厂以及污泥处理处置、再生水利用、雨水调蓄和排放等排水与污水处理设施建设和改造。
  第十三条 县级以上地方人民政府应当按照城镇排涝要求,结合城镇用地性质和条件,加强雨水管网、泵站以及雨水调蓄、超标雨水径流排放等设施建设和改造。
  第十四条 城镇排水与污水处理规划范围内的城镇排水与污水处理设施建设项目以及需要与城镇排水与污水处理设施相连接的新建、改建、扩建建设工程,城乡规划主管部门在依法核发建设用地规划许可证时,应当征求城镇排水主管部门的意见。城镇排水主管部门应当就排水设计方案是否符合城镇排水与污水处理规划和相关标准提出意见。
  第十五条 城镇排水与污水处理设施建设工程竣工后,建设单位应当依法组织竣工验收。竣工验收合格的,方可交付使用,并自竣工验收合格之日起15日内,将竣工验收报告及相关资料报城镇排水主管部门备案。
  第十六条 城镇排水与污水处理设施竣工验收合格后,由城镇排水主管部门通过招标投标、委托等方式确定符合条件的设施维护运营单位负责管理。特许经营合同、委托运营合同涉及污染物削减和污水处理运营服务费的,城镇排水主管部门应当征求环境保护主管部门、价格主管部门的意见。国家鼓励实施城镇污水处理特许经营制度。具体办法由国务院住房城乡建设主管部门会同国务院有关部门制定。

第三章 排  水

  第十七条 县级以上地方人民政府应当根据当地降雨规律和暴雨内涝风险情况,结合气象、水文资料,建立排水设施地理信息系统,加强雨水排放管理,提高城镇内涝防治水平。
  第十八条 城镇排水主管部门应当按照城镇内涝防治专项规划的要求,确定雨水收集利用设施建设标准,明确雨水的排水分区和排水出路,合理控制雨水径流。
  第十九条 除干旱地区外,新区建设应当实行雨水、污水分流;对实行雨水、污水合流的地区,应当按照城镇排水与污水处理规划要求,进行雨水、污水分流改造。雨水、污水分流改造可以结合旧城区改建和道路建设同时进行。
  第二十条 城镇排水设施覆盖范围内的排水单位和个人,应当按照国家有关规定将污水排入城镇排水设施。
  第二十一条 从事工业、建筑、餐饮、医疗等活动的企业事业单位、个体工商户(以下称排水户)向城镇排水设施排放污水的,应当向城镇排水主管部门申请领取污水排入排水管网许可证。城镇排水主管部门应当按照国家有关标准,重点对影响城镇排水与污水处理设施安全运行的事项进行审查。
  第二十二条 排水户申请领取污水排入排水管网许可证应当具备下列条件:
  第二十三条 城镇排水主管部门应当加强对排放口设置以及预处理设施和水质、水量检测设施建设的指导和监督;对不符合规划要求或者国家有关规定的,应当要求排水户采取措施,限期整改。
  第二十四条 城镇排水主管部门委托的排水监测机构,应当对排水户排放污水的水质和水量进行监测,并建立排水监测档案。排水户应当接受监测,如实提供有关资料。
  第二十五条 因城镇排水设施维护或者检修可能对排水造成影响的,城镇排水设施维护运营单位应当提前24小时通知相关排水户;可能对排水造成严重影响的,应当事先向城镇排水主管部门报告,采取应急处理措施,并向社会公告。
  第二十六条 设置于机动车道路上的窨井,应当按照国家有关规定进行建设,保证其承载力和稳定性等符合相关要求。
  第二十七条 城镇排水主管部门应当按照国家有关规定建立城镇排涝风险评估制度和灾害后评估制度,在汛前对城镇排水设施进行全面检查,对发现的问题,责成有关单位限期处理,并加强城镇广场、立交桥下、地下构筑物、棚户区等易涝点的治理,强化排涝措施,增加必要的强制排水设施和装备。

第四章 污水处理

  第二十八条 城镇排水主管部门应当与城镇污水处理设施维护运营单位签订维护运营合同,明确双方权利义务。
  第二十九条 城镇污水处理设施维护运营单位应当保证出水水质符合国家和地方规定的排放标准,不得排放不达标污水。
  第三十条 城镇污水处理设施维护运营单位或者污泥处理处置单位应当安全处理处置污泥,保证处理处置后的污泥符合国家有关标准,对产生的污泥以及处理处置后的污泥去向、用途、用量等进行跟踪、记录,并向城镇排水主管部门、环境保护主管部门报告。任何单位和个人不得擅自倾倒、堆放、丢弃、遗撒污泥。
  第三十一条 城镇污水处理设施维护运营单位不得擅自停运城镇污水处理设施,因检修等原因需要停运或者部分停运城镇污水处理设施的,应当在90个工作日前向城镇排水主管部门、环境保护主管部门报告。
  第三十二条 排水单位和个人应当按照国家有关规定缴纳污水处理费。
  第三十三条 污水处理费应当纳入地方财政预算管理,专项用于城镇污水处理设施的建设、运行和污泥处理处置,不得挪作他用。污水处理费的收费标准不应低于城镇污水处理设施正常运营的成本。因特殊原因,收取的污水处理费不足以支付城镇污水处理设施正常运营的成本的,地方人民政府给予补贴。
  第三十四条 县级以上地方人民政府环境保护主管部门应当依法对城镇污水处理设施的出水水质和水量进行监督检查。
  第三十五条 城镇排水主管部门应当根据城镇污水处理设施维护运营单位履行维护运营合同的情况以及环境保护主管部门对城镇污水处理设施出水水质和水量的监督检查结果,核定城镇污水处理设施运营服务费。地方人民政府有关部门应当及时、足额拨付城镇污水处理设施运营服务费。
  第三十六条 城镇排水主管部门在监督考核中,发现城镇污水处理设施维护运营单位存在未依照法律、法规和有关规定以及维护运营合同进行维护运营,擅自停运或者部分停运城镇污水处理设施,或者其他无法安全运行等情形的,应当要求城镇污水处理设施维护运营单位采取措施,限期整改;逾期不整改的,或者整改后仍无法安全运行的,城镇排水主管部门可以终止维护运营合同。
  第三十七条 国家鼓励城镇污水处理再生利用,工业生产、城市绿化、道路清扫、车辆冲洗、建筑施工以及生态景观等,应当优先使用再生水。

第五章 设施维护与保护

  第三十八条 城镇排水与污水处理设施维护运营单位应当建立健全安全生产管理制度,加强对窨井盖等城镇排水与污水处理设施的日常巡查、维修和养护,保障设施安全运行。
  第三十九条 县级以上地方人民政府应当根据实际情况,依法组织编制城镇排水与污水处理应急预案,统筹安排应对突发事件以及城镇排涝所必需的物资。
  第四十条 排水户因发生事故或者其他突发事件,排放的污水可能危及城镇排水与污水处理设施安全运行的,应当立即采取措施消除危害,并及时向城镇排水主管部门和环境保护主管部门等有关部门报告。
  第四十一条 城镇排水主管部门应当会同有关部门,按照国家有关规定划定城镇排水与污水处理设施保护范围,并向社会公布。
  第四十二条 禁止从事下列危及城镇排水与污水处理设施安全的活动:
  第四十三条 新建、改建、扩建建设工程,不得影响城镇排水与污水处理设施安全。
  第四十四条 县级以上人民政府城镇排水主管部门应当会同有关部门,加强对城镇排水与污水处理设施运行维护和保护情况的监督检查,并将检查情况及结果向社会公开。实施监督检查时,有权采取下列措施:
  第四十五条 审计机关应当加强对城镇排水与污水处理设施建设、运营、维护和保护等资金筹集、管理和使用情况的监督,并公布审计结果。

第六章 法律责任

  第四十六条 违反本条例规定,县级以上地方人民政府及其城镇排水主管部门和其他有关部门,不依法作出行政许可或者办理批准文件的,发现违法行为或者接到对违法行为的举报不予查处的,或者有其他未依照本条例履行职责的行为的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员的行为构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
  第四十七条 违反本条例规定,城镇排水主管部门对不符合法定条件的排水户核发污水排入排水管网许可证的,或者对符合法定条件的排水户不予核发污水排入排水管网许可证的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员的行为构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
  第四十八条 违反本条例规定,在雨水、污水分流地区,建设单位、施工单位将雨水管网、污水管网相互混接的,由城镇排水主管部门责令改正,处5万元以上10万元以下的罚款;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。
  第四十九条 违反本条例规定,城镇排水与污水处理设施覆盖范围内的排水单位和个人,未按照国家有关规定将污水排入城镇排水设施,或者在雨水、污水分流地区将污水排入雨水管网的,由城镇排水主管部门责令改正,给予警告;逾期不改正或者造成严重后果的,对单位处10万元以上20万元以下罚款,对个人处2万元以上10万元以下罚款;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。
  第五十条 违反本条例规定,排水户未取得污水排入排水管网许可证向城镇排水设施排放污水的,由城镇排水主管部门责令停止违法行为,限期采取治理措施,补办污水排入排水管网许可证,可以处50万元以下罚款;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
  第五十一条 违反本条例规定,因城镇排水设施维护或者检修可能对排水造成影响或者严重影响,城镇排水设施维护运营单位未提前通知相关排水户的,或者未事先向城镇排水主管部门报告,采取应急处理措施的,或者未按照防汛要求对城镇排水设施进行全面检查、维护、清疏,影响汛期排水畅通的,由城镇排水主管部门责令改正,给予警告;逾期不改正或者造成严重后果的,处10万元以上20万元以下罚款;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。
  第五十二条 违反本条例规定,城镇污水处理设施维护运营单位未按照国家有关规定检测进出水水质的,或者未报送污水处理水质和水量、主要污染物削减量等信息和生产运营成本等信息的,由城镇排水主管部门责令改正,可以处5万元以下罚款;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。
  第五十三条 违反本条例规定,城镇污水处理设施维护运营单位或者污泥处理处置单位对产生的污泥以及处理处置后的污泥的去向、用途、用量等未进行跟踪、记录的,或者处理处置后的污泥不符合国家有关标准的,由城镇排水主管部门责令限期采取治理措施,给予警告;造成严重后果的,处10万元以上20万元以下罚款;逾期不采取治理措施的,城镇排水主管部门可以指定有治理能力的单位代为治理,所需费用由当事人承担;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。
  第五十四条 违反本条例规定,排水单位或者个人不缴纳污水处理费的,由城镇排水主管部门责令限期缴纳,逾期拒不缴纳的,处应缴纳污水处理费数额1倍以上3倍以下罚款。
  第五十五条 违反本条例规定,城镇排水与污水处理设施维护运营单位有下列情形之一的,由城镇排水主管部门责令改正,给予警告;逾期不改正或者造成严重后果的,处10万元以上50万元以下罚款;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
  第五十六条 违反本条例规定,从事危及城镇排水与污水处理设施安全的活动的,由城镇排水主管部门责令停止违法行为,限期恢复原状或者采取其他补救措施,给予警告;逾期不采取补救措施或者造成严重后果的,对单位处10万元以上30万元以下罚款,对个人处2万元以上10万元以下罚款;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
  第五十七条 违反本条例规定,有关单位未与施工单位、设施维护运营单位等共同制定设施保护方案,并采取相应的安全防护措施的,由城镇排水主管部门责令改正,处2万元以上5万元以下罚款;造成严重后果的,处5万元以上10万元以下罚款;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第七章 附  则

  第五十八条 依照《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》的规定,排水户需要取得排污许可证的,由环境保护主管部门核发;违反《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》的规定排放污水的,由环境保护主管部门处罚。
  第五十九条 本条例自2014年1月1日起施行。





第一章 总 则
第一条 为加强对金银的管理,保证国家经济建设对金银的需要,取缔金银走私和投机倒把活动,特制定本条例。
第二条 本条例所称金银,包括:
第三条 国家对金银实行统一管理、统购统配的政策。
第四条 国家管理金银的主管机关为中国人民银行。
第五条 境内机构所持的金银,除经中国人民银行许可留用的原材料、设备、器皿、纪念品外,必须全部交售给中国人民银行,不得自行处理、占有。
第六条 国家保护个人持有合法所得的金银。
第七条 在中华人民共和国境内,一切单位和个人不得计价使用金银,禁止私相买卖和借贷抵押金银。

第二章 对金银收购的管理
第八条 金银的收购,统一由中国人民银行办理。除经中国人民银行许可、委托的以外,任何单位和个人不得收购金银。
第九条 从事金银生产(包括矿藏生产和冶炼副产)的厂矿企业、农村社队、部队和个人所采炼的金银,必须全部交售给中国人民银行,不得自行销售、交换和留用。
第十条 国家鼓励经营单位和使用金银的单位,从伴生金银的矿种和含金银的废渣、废液、废料中回收金银。
第十一条 境内机构从国外进口的金银和矿产品中采炼的副产金银,除经中国人民银行允许留用的或者按照规定用于进料加工复出口的金银以外,一律交售给中国人民银行,不得自行销售、交换和留用。
第十二条 个人出售金银,必须卖给中国人民银行。
第十三条 一切出土无主金银,均为国家所有,任何单位和个人不得熔化、销毁或占有。
第十四条 公安、司法、海关、工商行政管理、税务等国家机关依法没收的金银,一律交售给中国人民银行,不得自行处理或者以其他实物顶替。没收的金银价款按照有关规定上缴国库。

第三章 对金银配售的管理
第十五条 凡需用金银的单位,必须按照规定程序向中国人民银行提出申请使用金银的计划,由中国人民银行审批、供应。
第十六条 中华人民共和国境内的外资企业、中外合资企业以及外商,订购金银制品或者加工其他含金银产品,要求在国内供应金银者,必须按照规定程序提出申请,由中国人民银行审批予以供应。
第十七条 使用金银的单位,必须建立使用制度,严格做到专项使用、结余交回。未经中国人民银行许可,不得把金银原料(包括半成品)转让或者移作他用。
第十八条 在本条例规定范围内,中国人民银行有权对使用金银的单位进行监督和检查。使用金银的单位应当向中国人民银行据实提供有关使用金银的情况和资料。

第四章 对经营单位和个体银匠的管理
第十九条 申请经营(包括加工、销售)金银制品、含金银化工产品以及从含金银的废渣、废液、废料中回收金银的单位,必须按照国家有关规定和审批程序,经中国人民银行和有关主管机关审查批准,在工商行政管理机关登记发给营业执照后,始得营业。
第二十条 经营单位必须按照批准的金银业务范围从事经营,不得擅自改变经营范围,不得在经营中克扣、挪用和套购金银。
第二十一条 金银质地纪念币的铸造、发行由中国人民银行办理,其他任何单位不得铸造、仿造和发行。
第二十二条 委托、寄售商店,不得收购或者寄售金银制品、金银器材。珠宝商店可以收购供出口销售的带有金银镶嵌的珠宝饰品,但是不得收购、销售金银制品和金银器材。金银制品由中国人民银行收购并负责供应外贸出口。
第二十三条 边疆少数民族地区和沿海侨眷比较集中地区的个体银匠,经县或者县级以上中国人民银行以及工商行政管理机关批准,可以从事代客加工和修理金银制品的业务,但不得收购和销售金银制品。
第二十四条 国家允许个人邮寄金银饰品,具体管理办法由中国人民银行会同中华人民共和国邮电部制定。

第五章 对金银进出国境的管理
第二十五条 携带金银进入中华人民共和国国境,数量不受限制,但是必须向入境地中华人民共和国海关申报登记。
第二十六条 携带或者复带金银出境,中华人民共和国海关凭中国人民银行出具的证明或者原入境时的申报单登记数量查验放行;不能提供证明的或者超过原入境时申报登记数量的,不许出境。
第二十七条 携带在中华人民共和国境内供应旅游者购买的金银饰品(包括镶嵌饰品、工艺品、器皿等)出境,中华人民共和国海关凭国内经营金银制品的单位开具的特种发货票查验放行。无凭据的,不许出境。
第二十八条 在中华人民共和国境内的中国人、外国侨民和无国籍人出境定居,每人携带金银的限额为:黄金饰品1市两(31.25克),白银饰品10市两(312.50克),银质器皿20市两(625克)。经中华人民共和国海关查验符合规定限额的放行。
第二十九条 中华人民共和国境内的外资企业、中外合资企业,从国外进口金银作产品原料的,其数量不限;出口含金银量较高的产品,须经中国人民银行核准后放行。未经核准或者超过核准出口数量的,不许出境。

第六章 奖励与惩罚
第三十条 有下列事迹的单位或者个人,国家给予表彰或者适当的物质奖励:
第三十一条 违反本条例的下列行为,根据情节轻重,分别由中国人民银行、工商行政管理机关和海关按照各自的职责权限给予以下处罚:
第三十二条 违反本条例规定,已构成犯罪行为的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

第七章 附 则
第三十三条 本条例的施行细则,由中国人民银行会同国务院有关部门制定。
第三十四条 边疆少数民族地区的金银管理需要作某些变通规定的,由有关省、自治区人民政府会同中国人民银行根据本条例制定。
第三十五条 本条例自发布之日起施行。过去有关部门制定的金银管理办法即行废止。(附英文)


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on June 15, 1983)

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of tightening control of
gold and silver, ensuring the demands for gold and silver in national
economic construction, and banning smuggling and speculation in gold and
Article 2
The gold and silver referred to in these Regulations include:
(1) gold and silver extracted form ore deposits, and gold and silver
refined as a by-product;
(2) gold and silver bars, nuggets, bullion and powder;
(3) gold and silver coins;
(4) gold and silver articles and gold- or silver-based alloy articles;
(5) gold and silver contained in chemical products; and
(6) gold and silver tailings, and gold and silver contained in residual,
liquid and solid wastes.
Platinum shall be controlled according to the relevant State provisions.
The gold and silver with a cultural relic nature shall be controlled
according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of
Cultural Relics.
Article 3
The State pursues a policy of unified control and monopoly purchase and
allocation with regard to gold and silver.
All gold and silver earnings and expenditures of State organs, armed
forces, organizations, schools, State-owned enterprises, institutions,
urban and rural collective economic organizations within the territory of
the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as organizations
within territory) shall be incorporated in the State plan for gold and
silver earnings and expenditures.
Article 4
The competent agency of the State responsible for gold and silver is the
People's Bank of China.
The People's Bank of China is responsible for managing the State's gold
and silver reserves; responsible for the purchase, allocation and sale of
gold and silver; it shall work out and control purchasing, allocating and
selling prices of gold and silver in conjunction with the State competent
agency responsible for commodity prices; it shall work in conjunction with
the relevant competent agencies to examine and approve units dealing in
(including processing and retailing) gold and silver articles and chemical
products containing gold and silver and the recovery of gold and silver
from residual, liquid and solid wastes containing them (hereinafter
referred to as business units), and shall control and inspect the gold and
silver market; it shall supervise the implementation of these Regulations.
Article 5
All gold and silver in the possession of the organizations within
territory except the raw materials, equipment, vessels and souvenirs
retained for use with the permission of the People's Bank of China, must
be sold to the Bank and shall not be disposed of or kept without
Article 6
The State protects the possession of gold and silver lawfully obtained by
Article 7
No units and individuals within the territory of the People's Republic of
China are allowed to use gold and silver to calculate prices, to engage in
private buying and selling of gold and silver, or to use it as a mortgage
in respect of borrowing and lending.

Chapter II Control of Gold and Silver Purchase
Article 8
The purchase of gold and silver is monopolized by the People's Bank of
China. No unit or individual is permitted to purchase gold and silver
unless permitted or entrusted by the Bank.
Article 9
All gold and silver mined and refined by factories and mines, rural
communes, brigades and teams, armed forces and individuals engaging in and
producing gold and silver (including that extracted from ore deposits and
refined as by-product), must be sold to the People's Bank of China, and
must not be kept for sale, exchange or use by themselves without
The producing units listed in the preceding paragraph must tighten control
over finished and semi-finished gold and silver products in the
manufacturing process according to the relevant provisions, and must not
sell or otherwise dispose of such products themselves without
Article 10
The State encourages business units and those units using gold and silver
to recover gold and silver from associated mineral ores and from residual
liquid and solid wastes containing gold and silver.
Units listed in the preceding paragraph must sell their recovered gold and
silver to the People's Bank of China, and must not keep them for sale,
exchange or use by themselves without authorization, except those retained
for reuse by units using gold and silver with the permission of the
People's Bank of China.
Article 11
All gold and silver extracted or refined by organizations within territory
as a by-product from imported gold, silver or ore products must be sold to
the People's Bank of China, except for the gold and silver kept with the
permission of the Bank or those for reexport following processing the
imported materials in accordance with relevant provisions, and must not be
sold, exchanged or retained for use by themselves.
Article 12
Individuals wishing to sell gold or silver must sell it to the People's
Bank of China.
Article 13
Any excavated gold and silver objects without legal owners belong to the
State. No unit or individual may melt down, destroy, or take possession of
such gold and silver. Excavated gold and silver objects without legal
owners discovered by any unit or individual shall be sold to the People's
Bank of China and the receipts from such sales shall be turned over to the
Treasury; those found to be of historical value upon evaluation by local
cultural administration departments shall be handled in accordance with
the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural
Article 14
All gold and silver confiscated by the public security, judicial, Customs,
industry and commerce administration, taxation and other State organs
according to law must be sold to the People's Bank of China, and must not
be disposed of by these organs or substituted with other articles. The
sale proceeds from confiscated gold and silver shall be turned over to the
Treasury according to relevant provisions.

Chapter III Control of Allocation and Sale of Gold and Silver
Article 15
Units requiring gold and silver for use shall submit to the People's Bank
of China a plan requesting the use of gold and silver according to
specified procedures, and the Bank shall supply such gold and silver after
examination and approval. The People's Bank of China shall supply gold
and silver according to the approved plan, and must not reduce at will the
amount approved or delay delivery.
Article 16
Foreign-capital enterprises, Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures and
foreign businessmen within the territory of the People's Republic of China
purchasing gold and silver articles or processing goods containing gold
and silver thus wishing to acquire gold and silver supplies in China shall
make application according to the specified procedures to the People's
Bank of China for examination and approval and fulfillment of the request.
Article 17
Units using gold and silver must establish their utilization system,
comply strictly with the earmarked utilization, and return any unused
portion. Without the permission of the People's Bank of China, they shall
not transfer gold and silver materials (including semi-finished products)
to others or use them for any other purposes.
Article 18
The People's Bank of China has the authority, within the scope provided
for in these Regulations, to supervise and check up on units using gold
and silver. The units concerned shall provide the Bank with truthful
information and data in regard to the use of gold and silver.

Chapter IV Control of Business Units and Self-Employed Silver- smiths
Article 19
Units applying for dealing in (including processing and marketing of) gold
and silver articles and chemical products containing gold and silver, and
those recovering gold and silver from residual, liquid and solid wastes
containing them, shall be subject to examination and approval of the
People's Bank of China and the relevant competent agencies according to
the relevant provisions and approving procedures of the State and shall
register with and obtain operating licences from the administrative
department for industry and commerce before they begin operations.
Article 20
Business units must conduct their business within the approved scope, and
shall not alter the scope of business without authorization, embezzle gold
and silver or use them for any other purpose, or illegally purchase them
in the course of their operations.
Article 21
The minting and issuing of gold- and silver-based souvenir coins shall be
handled by the People's Bank of China, and no other unit may mint, imitate
or issue such coins. The export of gold- and silver-based souvenir badges
(or plaques) shall be handled respectively by the People's Bank of China
and the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the People's
Republic of China.
Article 22
Commission stores and second-hand shops may not purchase or sell on
commission gold and silver articles and appliances. Jewellery shops may
purchase jewellery inlaid with gold and silver for sale abroad, but may
not purchase or sell gold and silver articles and appliances. The People's
Bank of China is responsible for purchasing gold and silver articles for
export and supplying them to the foreign trade departments.
Article 23
Self-employed silversmiths in border areas inhabited by minority
nationalities and in coastal areas with a concentration of relatives of
overseas Chinese, may engage in processing and repairing gold and silver
articles for clients upon the approval of the People's Bank of China at
the county level or above and of the administration for industry and
commerce, but are not allowed to purchase or sell gold and silver
Article 24
The State allows individuals to send gold and silver jewellery by post,
and specific measures for control thereof shall be worked out by the
People's Bank of China in conjunction with the Ministry of Post and

Chapter V Control of Gold and Silver Taken into or out of the Territory of China
Article 25
There is no limit to the quantity of gold and silver to be brought into
the People's Republic of China. However, this must be declared at the
Customs of the People's Republic of China at the port of entry.
Article 26
Gold and silver taken or retaken out of China shall be inspected and
released by the Customs of the People's Republic of China according to the
quantity specified in the certificate issued by the People's Bank of China
or the declaration form at the time of entry; it may not be taken out if
no certificate is produced or if the amount exceeds that specified in the
declaration form at the time of entry.
Article 27
Gold and silver jewellery (including inlaid jewellery handicraft and art
products and vessels) to be carried out of China by tourists shall be
inspected and released by the Customs of the People's Republic of China
against the special invoices issued by the domestic units dealing in gold
and silver articles. Without such invoices, the articles may not be taken
out of China.
Article 28
When Chinese citizens, foreign nationals or stateless persons wish to
leave the People's Republic of China to immigrate abroad, they may each
carry out up to 1 liang (31.25 grams) in gold jewellery, 10 liang (312.50
grams) in silver jewellery and 20 liang (625 grams) in silver vessels.
Items not exceeding these limits shall be allowed to be carried out upon
inspection by the Customs of the People's Republic of China.
Article 29
There is no limit to the quantity of gold and silver to be imported as raw
materials by foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity joint
ventures in the People's Republic of China. Export products containing a
high percentage of gold and silver shall be released upon verification and
approval by the People's Bank of China. Items not verified and approved or
in excess of the approved amount shall not be exported.

Chapter VI Rewards and Penalties
Article 30
Units or individuals who make the following contributions shall be
commended or given appropriate material rewards by the State:
(1) those who have made marked successes in recovering or controlling gold
and silver in strict implementation of the State policies and decrees
concerning gold and silver;
(2) those who have had outstanding performance in the protection of gold
and silver for the State in the struggle against violations of law and
criminal acts such as smuggling and speculation;
(3) those who have promptly reported or handed over to the responsible
organ upon discovery of unearthed gold and silver without legal owner,
thus rendering a service to the state; and
(4) those who have donated to the State their personal gold and silver
Article 31
The following acts in violation of these Regulations shall be subject to
penalty imposed, in accordance with the severity of the case, by the
People's Bank of China, or by the administrative department for industry
and commerce, or by the Customs, according to their respective terms of
(1) If gold and silver have been purchased, sold, exchanged or retained
without authorization in violation of Articles 8, 9, 10, and 11 of these
Regulations, the People's Bank of China or the administrative department
for industry and commerce shall resort to compulsory purchase or devalued
purchase. In cases of serious violation, the administrative department for
industry and commerce may impose fines in addition, or simply confiscate
the gold and silver in question.
In cases of violation of Articles 8, 9, 10, and 11 of these Regulations,
the administrative department for industry and commerce may revoke
violators' business licences in addition.
(2) If unearthed gold and silver objects without legal owners have been
melted down, destroyed or held in possession in violation of Article 13 of
these Regulations, the People's Bank of China shall recover the unearthed
objects or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall
impose fines.
(3) If the intended use of gold and silver is altered, or gold and silver
used as raw materials are transferred without authorization in violation
of Article 17 of these Regulations, the People's Bank of China shall
either issue a warning or recover the gold and silver allocated. In cases
of serious violation, fines shall be imposed or even supplies suspended.
(4) For such acts as dealing in gold and silver without authorization,
altering the scope of business without authorization, illegally purchasing
or using gold and silver for other purpose, or embezzling gold and silver,
in violation of Articles 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of these Regulations, the
administrative department for industry and commerce shall impose fines or
confiscate the goods. In cases of serious violation, business licenses may
be revoked in addition and suspension of business operations be ordered.
(5) If gold and silver are used to calculate prices, bought or sold
privately, or used as a means of a mortgage in respect of borrowing and
lending in violation of Article 7 of these Regulations, the People's Bank
of China or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall
purchase such gold and silver compulsorily or at devalued prices. In cases
of serious violation, the administrative department for industry and
commerce may impose fines or confiscate the gold and silver in question.
(6) If the provisions in Chapter V of these Regulations concerning the
gold and silver taken into or out of China are violated or various means
are used to smuggle gold and silver out of China, the Customs shall deal
with such cases in accordance with these Regulations and the Customs law
and regulations.
(7) If the provisions of Article 14 of these Regulations are violated, the
People's Bank of China shall purchase the gold and silver in question. The
administrative liability of those directly responsible shall be
investigated by the relevant units.
Article 32
If violations of these Regulations constitute crimes, the judicial organs
shall investigate the criminal responsibilities according to law.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions
Article 33
The rules for implementation of these Regulations shall be formulated by
the People's Bank of China in conjunction with the relevant departments
under the State Council.
Article 34
If modified regulations are required for gold and silver control in border
areas inhabited by minority nationalities, the people's governments of the
provinces and autonomous regions concerned shall formulate them in
conjunction with the People's Bank of China in accordance with these
Article 35
These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Measures of gold and silver control previously formulated by the related
departments thus are hereby nullified.
